Life / Perspective


One of the best things about life is that there is always something to learn. There is potential in everything and everyone you come in contact with, and all that you encounter. To learn, we must develop a healthy curiosity for life. We must learn the power of humility, opening our minds to realize that there is more than one truth in this world, and being courageous in our attempt to grow and inspire positive change.

It’s important to have an authentic voice and to believe in yourself. Remember, even when you have a solid foundation in your belief system it’s courageous to be open to new information, eager to understand the world better, open-minded and accepting of others. To accept someone in their entirety is to accept the person you see in the mirror, in all your perfect imperfections. 

It’s impossible for me to imagine a world in which all people share the same ideas and the same beliefs. A world in which everyone shares the same interests and speaks the same way. I feel blessed to have my own mind, be my own person, and celebrate my freedom of thought and speech. Because of this, I honor the fact that people are entitled to their own ideals and should be celebrated for their individuality. I accept other people, and their truths, because I too want to be heard and respected for who I am. 

Does this make hateful types of speech OK? Of course not. Does this mean I agree with what everyone is saying all the time? No. However, we need to start treating one another with appreciation and start having a desire to understand each other. See one another for their uniqueness, instead of as competition, or trying to evaluate some type of right and wrong.

In times of misunderstanding or disagreement, use compassion to bring light into the atmosphere, instead of adding darkness. Drive out darkness and fear, allowing room for inspiration and positive change to happen. 

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” —Martin Luther King Jr.

Seek out all that life has to offer, from all parts of the world, especially from the most unexpected people and places. Take away something good from every encounter, or every person you meet. Learn about others, and open your heart and mind for them to learn about you, Healing and bringing people together is about being vulnerable enough to allow someone to get to know you while earning trust by getting to know them. Don’t discard someone due to their beliefs and their ideas; instead, express kindness, even in times that you feel people are undeserving of it. 

Inspire positive change by opening your heart to the world. Authenticity should be celebrated. 

Daily application - Learn something new today. Replace ignorance with understanding, and willingness to meet new people, try new things, and accept new ideas. 


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